Monday, January 10, 2011

Phantom Data?

Windows Phone 7 users are complaining over what they call "phantom data usage." The nascent smartphone platform is, according to some accounts, using as much as multiple megabytes per hour of cellular data, and that's even when connected to wi-fi.

Indeed, you read that correctly; even when connected to wi-fi, Windows Phone 7 seems to be defaulting to cellular connectivity when there's a wi-fi network that the users's phone is connected to. In one report, a user stated that his bill showed:

This is ridiculous! Who wants to shell out the money for a smart phone and have it not work? The more I hear about these things the less I want one. Kelly bought one for Jason and I think she's crazy, it'll be broke or lost in a week!

1 comment:

  1. Lol, every new phone seems to have awful problems... At least this one is probably solvable with an update instead of a mass recall.
